  • any measurable or observable characteristic related to the time during which a laying bird flock is productive, the laying period is generally limited to the period during which the laying rate is higher than 10% (number of eggs for 100 laying hens per day) (en)
  • any measurable or observable characteristic related to the time during which a laying bird flock is productive, the laying period is generally limited to the period during which the laying rate is higher than 10% (number of eggs for 100 laying hens per day) (fr)
  • - (xsd:string)
  • laying period (en)
  • laying period (fr)
  • INRA:PHASE "INRA PHASE" (xsd:string)
  • ChickenPresent (xsd:string)
  • DuckPresent (xsd:string)
  • GoosePresent (xsd:string)
  • QuailPresent (xsd:string)
  • TurkeyPresent (xsd:string)